Monday, October 29, 2018

Our Day in Santorini

Today we arrived in Santorni around seven. We will be here until seven this evening.

Princess is using local water taxis instead of using the lifeboats for tendering. This community is built on the rim of a Caldara. It is unbelievably steep. Some seem to be just holding on. One shake and they will be at the bottom. Seeing the switch back roads is mindboggling. The way to the top is also available by a cable car.

Originally we had a tour booked with Princess but the tour was cancelled and we were left without something to do. After reading and listening to the details of this city we decided we would go ashore and see what was available. We at least wanted to go and see the town. We had no trouble getting a tender and when we arrived on shore I saw a sign advertising a boat ride to Ola and then back to Fira. The cost was 15 euros each and so we bought tickets and away we went. The ride was very pleasant because it was a sunny warm bright morning.

We had a short 5 minute walk to the town of Ola. It is also beautiful with white plaster and the wonderful royal Blue domes. The iconic picture that you see was taken here but it was taken from a helicopter. We had about an hour and a half to roam.

The return to Fira was hair raising. That was a very skilled driver for sure. The road was one lane in spots and the turn was so sharp that I had to close my eyes.
We had been warned that the wait for a cable car could be as much as an hour so Ken was dreading this part. BUT we had no wait we were on the very next cable car and it runs every 5 minutes or so. At the bottom we got a tender right away also. So it was a great trip to Santorini.

While waiting for the tender I caught a darling picture of one curious little girl. This is a sculpture of a donkey not a real donkey.

The rest of the day was not particularly interesting. We had dinner and went to the show. Then called it a night. Tomorrow is a sea day YEAH!! We are looking forward to it. The only thing we have on the schedule is a Yankie Gift exchange at 1:30.
We sent out laundry because rumour has it the 500 or more Elites board in Rome. It will take days to get laundry back. We will at least be starting out with clean clothes.

Because it is a sea day everyone or almost everyone will be on line so I do not expect to be able to post until Halloween.

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