Saturday, August 19, 2017

Twenty years

It has been twenty years since the Nova Scotia Teachers College closed.
We were part of the class of 63. There is a lady here from the class of "44. and several from the class of 47. Amazing... Perhaps there is hope for us yet.
We worked on our suitcases and then we went downstairs to the Bistro and had breakfast .

It was wonderful but it was entirely too much food.
After breakfast we packed our suitcases and checked out.

We went to the Glengarry and of course it was too early to check in. Class members began to gather and we got our pictures taken and then went to lunch. There was a special lunch for the 16 of us who were getting together today. The members of our class were
 Diane, Jim, Mel, Bev, Bill, Lois, Harry and Gwen. We also included Inez and Linda and Doris and Judi.

It was a good thing that we had our own room because it was a tumult of visiting and laughing and applause. It was so good to chat and hug and visit with class mates and take time to look back at former times.

After lunch we got the key to our room and Diane and Linda and I went to the room. I wanted to show Diane the pictures of our new home.

The new room is very nice . We relaxed and I had a nap before it was time to go to the banquet.

This was a wonderful gathering. We received a certificate acknowledging the fact that we were two of the people who had traveled the farthest to attend the reunion.
 The next reunion for our class will be 2023.
Let us hope that we will be able to visit with and enjoy reminiscing with these friends again in '23.

Tomorrow we are back in Dartmouth and Halifax. Home on Tuesday.  Happy to go home and sad to leave friends behind

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