Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chatting and Laughing in Argyle

Gwen and her brother Gordon arrived home an hour after we did and we were broadly welcomed by them both.
It was soon three hours later and we have chatted and laughed our way through the evening.
We slept soundly in Gwen's guest room and before we knew it morning had arrived.
There was a lot of discussion about the upcoming reunion. Gwen had made a reservation for us to have the lunch buffet at the Glengarry. With a couple of phone calls she managed to convince our former Chemistry professor into joining us for lunch.
I sent off notes to friends telling them about Mr Thompkins hoping that would be the necessary draw to get them to come to Truro.

We had breakfast  and were on our way to Digby around ten the next morning.We were so impressed with how light the traffic was...if only...

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