Monday, August 21, 2017

Traveling Along

We woke early and went to the breakfast at the hotel. It was very good and there was a good selection.
Then we gathered our things and checked out.
We were not in a hurry so we decided to head for Porters Lake. A child hood friend of Ken's lives there and this seemed like a grand chance to pay him a visit. We called and we got the answering machine. Believing him to not be at home Ken decided to leave a note on his door. Just as Ken was about to write the note Barry came to the door. This was followed by almost an hour of chatting and remembering past times spent playing Cowboys and going to scouts together, swimming together and building rockets that almost wiped them out.

Our next stop was at Lawrencetown beach. This beach is a very well known for surfing. Today it was very very foggy and it was hard to see the surfers. I figure there was no way that the lifeguard could see someone who was in trouble.

At one point we saw a pair of seagulls trying to steal someone's picnic lunch. We did manage to shoo them away but we knew that was only a temporary solution.

When walking along the beach we encountered a very interesting back pack....Smiles for sure.

We toured a little around Dartmouth and had supper at the mall and then headed to Liz and Carl's. This is where we spent the night.
Tomorrow we meet Valerie, return the car and head to the Quality Inn.

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