Friday, August 18, 2017

Traveling Along

Inez served us a wonderful breakfast of fruit and we lingered over breakfast and continued to visit. Inez remembered how much I loved pineapple and she had a wonderful selection of fruit for us.

We just took our time and traveled along to New Glasgow. Instead of taking the quick way Ken chose to go across the Roden Hills. This is beautiful farm country with rolling hills and green pastures. It was idealistic.
Ken recalled a lot of the homes and businesses as they used to be.The tide was out and the Avon River was looking very red and very empty.

We stopped at the Millbrook for lunch at Tim'sand then we headed to New Glasgow.
We found their place without a problem , we had been there many times.
We were given a warm welcome and we sat outside and visited . Soon it got cool so we came inside and continued visiting and remembering the past.

Gerard lead us to pick up Tracy,( their daughter) and we were able to go and see her little apartment. It is very nice and she is so proud to be on her own.

Phyllis fixed us a wonderful early supper. After supper Sandra Cole called and Phyllis and I went to her place to visit. She is a grand hostess. Another friend was there and we 4 ladies sat and laughed and visit ed away the next couple of hours. Gerard sent a bottle of champagne and Sandra and I basically killed it. I was glad Phyllis was driving.

We came back here and visited a bit more and before you knew it time had come to call it a night.

We slept well and then had breakfast with Phyllis and Gerard and soon we were on our way to Truro.

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