Thursday, August 10, 2017

Horn Blower!!!

This was our day to go to Niagara Falls. We had been there before but neither of us had been down on the river and up close to the falls. Because of that we were looking forward to the day.

We had a wake up call for 7:30 but we were awake before the phone rang. The bed was large and luxurious and best of all it did not bounce and bang all night long.
We had spied a Starbucks just around the corner from the Royal York and that is where we went for breakfast. The York had the usual continental breakfast for the bargain price of 28 dollars each so we decided to walk to Starbucks instead. We had coffee and breakfast sandwiches for less than 15 dollars, for the both of us ,,,, that was a bargain.
We returned to our room and gathered what we would need for our day and wentt down to the street to the bus. To our pleasure and surprise there was a Tim Hortons right there on the corner. That would be our supper place to dine.

Three couples from the Jasper to Toronto train ride were also waiting for the bus. We merrily visited while we waited for bus number 2419 and our guide Fred.

He was a few minutes late and more friends from the train were on board. Fred was very informative and he told us of the history of the area as we passed.
First stop was a winery and some wine tasting. The grounds were beautiful and we enjoyed the samples. We resisted the temptation to shop.

There were several short photo stops before we went for lunch. Our meal was a 3 course  full meal. I had soup and rock fish and strawberry shortcake and a glass of wine. Because we were pressed for time I skipped the coffee.

Our next stop was the falls. Of course there were thousands of people.

 Fred found us an ambassador who lead us through a special route so we got to the elevator much quicker. We were given red ponchos to wear on the boat. There were to afford some protection from the spray. It was constantly being blown around and so it afforded little protection. Our boat was a Horn Blower. When I was there last the Maid of the Mist was the boat. Apparently 2 years ago when the concession came up Hornblower won the bid for the Canadian side. The Maid of the Mist and their patrons wearing blue ponchos could be seen across the falls. It was a very hot day and the mist from the falls provided a refreshing break .

By the time we trudged our way up from the faslls and made our way through the ever present gift shop I was more than ready to call it a day but that was not to be the case.
We had several short photo stops and the floral clock was one of them.

 Our next stop was the village of Niagara on the Lake. The scheduled stop was one hour. It was too little tire to really explore and too much time to just have a look.

By then we were so foot weary that we would have preferred to go back to Toronto..
On the way back we ended up in a traffic jam and that added at least a half hour to the time. We got back to the hotel around 7:30. The day was TOO Long.

For me the bad part was the fact that the people in front of me insisted on having their seat in the full reclined position. I almost had the back of his chair in my mouth. The people who sat behind me kept kicking the back of my seat. So I was being squeezed from both sides. ....not pleasant.

We left our things in our room and then we went to Tim's for supper.

Back to our lovely room, to finish our coffee, check our mail and then call it a night.

Tomorrow we travel to Montreal.

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