Thursday, August 17, 2017

On our way to Wolfville

When we left Petite Riviere Ken was feeling ocean deprived. When we walked down to the shore he had not asked Dawn for a towel so he was not able to put his feet into the water.

 As we drove along we saw the sign for Crescent Beach so away we went. He did not walk in the water because of the lack of a towel but he was able to breath in the salt air for awhile. It is a beautiful beach.

We pressed on and soon saw a sign for a light house at Fort Point. That was one we had never visited so of course we had to make another detour.LIGHTHOUSE#311.

 This is where Champlain had landed in 1604. This area of the La Have river was the capital of New France from 1632 till 1636. The museum was wonderful but Ken did not go into it. We did not have hours to spare. I checked out the museum and Ken walked the beach and found more sea glass.....several pieces this time.

We enjoyed the scenery and the country side and soon it was time to stop for lunch. We had soup at Tim's in New Minas. I ordered Lattes for us both and it turned out I did not order correctly and so we got latte and not iced latte.

But New Minas is very close to Wolfville so within minutes we were at Inez's house being welcomed  by our old friend.

The visiting began in earnest and there was lots of laughs. We sat out on her beautiful deck and then we met her neighbours. I could not believe that the neighbour's name was Gay. My sister's name was Gay so this was the first person I have ever met with that name.

For our evening meal we walked up town to a place called the Naked Crepe. We enjoyed our meal and the walk to and from was so pleasant. The evening was warm and the people were their usual friendly self. I was so surprised and pleased to see the drivers stop right away for us in the cross walk. Perhaps that attitude exists because there are not a lot of traffic lights.

We got back to the house and the visiting continued. Around ten we called it a night.

Tomorrow we head to New Glasgow.

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