Wednesday, August 16, 2017

On our way to Petite Riviere

I came out of the little house in time to say good bye to Diane before she headed into Digby. This is the day the Tall Ships are in port. Diane is going to be helping out in the quilt store. So Sonny became the chef of the morning. He fixed us a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. Soon after we headed out...
The trip across to Petite Riviere was beautiful. The scenery is amazing and we came to appreciate again how wonderful Nova Scotia is.

It was around three when we arrived at Dawn and John's. They welcomed us and treated us like royalty.. Ken and Dawn caught up on news of family and friends.

I was amused to hear their stories. One that Dawn told of waiting for Ken to decide which dinky toy he wanted to buy when they were both small children.

After an amazing steak dinner we called it a night.

In the morning Dawn fixed us a wonderful breakfast of bacon and eggs and toast and muffins and fruit and coffee.
Then Ken and I gathered up our stuff and we went down to the beach. Ken searched diligently. .for sea glass. After a search he found one piece that was almost microscopic, but it was sea glass.

We went back to the house and said our good byes.

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