Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Double Lake Road

August 15,
We traveled along with Ken pointing out things that were familiar to him. We were not actually going into Digby. We are headed for a place called “Double Lake Road”. This is beautiful cottage country and the person we are visiting is Sonny Banks and his wife Diane. Sonny and Ken went all through school together, from Kindergarten till high school.
Ken knew exactly where he wanted to go and even though it had been years since he had been then he headed straight for it.
The beginning of their driveway was marked with a beautiful flower bed and a sign so we definitely knew we were in the right place.

The Banks have a wonderful place, like something out of a tourist magazine. It is ideal lawns and lake shore. Sonny did all of the work himself. Most of the materials are pine and it is wonderful

Diane was not home when we arrived. Sonny made coffee for us and served us wonderful cinnamon buns. The guys spent hours catching up on news. Then later in the afternoon the guys went off in the canoe. Ken had not been in a canoe for a few years and he was in his glory.

I worked on the blog until Diane came home. Then she and I had a great visit.
Diane is a wonderful quilter and an amazing cook. She prepared a gourmet meal of Halibut. It was the most and the best halibut meal I have ever tasted.

We sat outside and enjoyed a wonderful sunset while we visited and caught up.

About ten we went out to Diane’s hide away to spend the night. The scene around the little lake was wonderful and almost like a fairy land as all of the colored lights from the cabins around the like came on. A colorful way to bring a magical day to an end.

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