Monday, August 14, 2017

August 11th continues

When we returned from the Hop on Hop Off tour we rested in our room and reorganized our stuff. Then around 4:30 we headed down to sign out. Because it was not too hot we decided to walk down again. It was an easy trip and we arrived at the train station with no problem. We inquired about waiting and we were directed to another "First Class" waiting area.

 To our surprise we were informed that we would have an evening meal on the train. The train was called on time and away we went.

We were directed to our room. It is nice but it is more narrow that we expected and the room was cool.

 Dinner was called right away. We were joined by Johnny and Joyce .

Then we went to the observation car for awhile and soon we were off to bed.

 It was almost a move of self defense. We could be warm under the blankets. This bed is so narrow that there would be no spooning before time to sleep. Twenty seven inches is just not wide enough for beds for an adult.

We slept well and went to breakfast early. The waitress put us at a table for four and the Charles Worrel was put at our table. We had been visiting with Charles all of the way across the country. To make a long story short during the course of the chatting we discovered much to our surprise that Charles and my cousin Valerie had been friends 35 years ago. Charles knew only one person in Nova \Scotia and that person turned out to be my first cousin. Just what are the odds of that happening??

Basically we spent most of the day trying to keep warm. Francoise tried unsuccessfully a couple of time to get us some heat. It was unfortunate that such a wonderful trip would end on such a cold note.

When we arrived in Halifax Valerie was waiting for us and it was drizzling. But it was good to be on home soil again.

Let the laughing and story telling and catching up begin

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