Saturday, August 5, 2017

Breakfast Surprise

This is August 5th and we are at the train statio9n waiting for the train to arrive. It is due within the hour so it seemed like a perfecxt time to try and catch you up on what is happ0eni8ng with us. Yesterday we were a5t Chateau Lake Louise when we woke up. It is so grand and so elegant. Because we received that free upgrade we were GOLD status and that meant we were entitled to several perks one of which was a free continental breakfast. We went to the Gold longue expecting cold cereal and toast and coffee and perhaps some muffins… the usual. A continental breakfast the day be3fore in Banff included tha5t menu and was priced at 23.00 each

We were in f9or a surprise.

I thought I knew what a continental breakfast was but I guess I was wrong.
This one included a chef to prepare your omelet as you like it and there were stations for everything you can  imagine . Even the jams and jellies came in tiny bottles instead of the plastic containers we are used to.
Does this look like any free continental breakfast you have ever seen??

Columbia Ice Fields,
Our excursion today featured a trip to the Columbia Ice fields and the Athabasca glacier Our tour was with Sun Dog and our guide was Harry.

We went to the skywalk bridge . It was quite spectacular and scary but we were assured that it would hold the weight. When we were there there were hundr4eds of people on the bridge so it was a good thing that it is well built.

The last stop was the Athabasca Falls. They are spectacular…. Not at all what I imagined. Because of the smaller van we were able to get quite close and did not have to walk as much… that was a very good thing by this time of the day.

 Because the van was smaller we were able to get to places we could not have gotten to if we had been on one of the big busses. The scenery was magnificent and Harry was so knowledgeable that we learned a great deal.

Basically the day was as described and we enjoyed every bit of it.
Harry dropped us off at Whistlers Inn. This room was not as glamorous but it will do nicely.
We went downstairs and had a burger for supper. We returned to our room and fell into bed. We were just too tired to do anythi8ng but sleep. Harry wore us out.

Internet speed here is terrible so I may have to include photos later.

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