Thursday, August 10, 2017

Better Late than Never

Well it was a strange day.
When we went to bed they said we were 6 hours late and they hopped to make up some of the time over night. That didn't happen. In the morning we were 7 ho9urs late and by noon we were 8 hours late. By the time we arrived in Toronto at seven at night we were almost 10 hours late because we were supposed to have arrived in Toronto around nine in the morning.
We had been looking forward to spending time with Rose Jorgenson. We had arranged to spend the afternoon doing the Hop On Hop Off bus. Tickets were part of our tour package. They in the evening we were going to go nto the top of the CN tower and have dinner there. It was going to be a big treat for all three of us.
Because the train kept loosing time we decided to get in touch with Rose and cancel our special events. We felt in wasn't fair to have her come all of the way into the city to be waiting for a train that would not arrive,

When we arrived at the hotel we were favorably impressed. The Royal York is indeed grand. Every detail was remembered including umbrellas incase it should rain.

We hurriedly put our things in our room and we went downstairs and got instructions on how to get to the CN tower.. The street was busy but it was a lovely warm summer evening. We found our way and soon we were in one of several lines. We did make it into an elevator to the top

. On the way up the operator pointed out the fact that the Blue Jays were playing and we could look out of the glass walls and see the full stadium of players and fans.

At the top we made our way to the windows through the mobs of people to take in the vie3w and get a few photos. It was beginning to get dark and we were able to enjoy some of the city lights.
When you return to the ground level the elevator dumps you into a gift shop. Through this shop was the only way out.

We had not had supper but by then we were too tired to look for a place to eat. We got a drink and called it a night.

It had been a long, tirering, exciting and interesting day.. Tomorrow we go to the falls.

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