Tuesday, August 8, 2017


August 7th/2017
I had barely opened my eyes when Ken wished me a happy birthday. He had a lovely card for me. He also bought me a coloring book but he forgot to bring pencil crayons so It will have to wait until we get home. I opened the card the Wayne and Carol gave me and the one from Len and Ellenor.

 After that we went for breakfast. We were seated with a couple from North Carolina, ( Barry and Sharon). They were very friendly and had lots of questions about Canada and health care. I quess they are flirting with the idea of relocating to Canada.
The day was generally uneventful. The train rumbled along with frequent stops to allow freight trains to pass. Ontario is mainly trees and small lakes at these locations. We seldom see any signs of humans and we have not even seen a moose.

I had the turkey club wrap for lunch and it was too much food so I ate only half of it but I did not ask for a doggie bag.

We went back to the room and had a little nap in the afternoon. The chairs in our room are not at all comfortable and certainly not made for napping so it was a restless hour.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in our room . We went to the dining room when dinner was called. We ordered a glass of wine to celebrate my birthday. I had the cod for dinner and it was perfectly done.
Next we spent a couple of hours in the observation car.

 We were treated to a light show by Mother Nature then when the rain got heavy we decided to return to our room. We find it chilly in the observation car and we wear our jackets. I actually had my hood up part of the time.

We returned to our room and much to my pleasure and surprise the attendant left me 8 pieces of dark chocolate. He had it arranged in a circle in the middle of my birthday cards. His way of wishing me a happy birthday. My 73rd birthday has come to an end.

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