Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Day of NS fog

 When we woke this morning we were greeted by Nova Scotia Fog. That brought back many memories.

We had a good breakfast and relaxed for a bit. Then we headed off to Porters Lake to visit with Heather Kaye. Dr. Cox was excellent as usual. Yeah Dr Cox. Heather is the widow of Barry Kaye. Barry and Ken grew up together and so there were lots of stories of childhood adventures, memories of happy times. But the conversation turned to how Barry died. He died of diabetic complications. It is thought that he had a diabetic coma from which he did not recover. The opinion was that had he taken better care of himself he would still be here to share all of the childhood memories.  

We enjoyed muffins and brownies and coffee and before long it was time to leave and say our good byes with lots of hugs and promises to meet again.

Ken knew the way back to the hotel so DR Cox was not really needed.

Back here we relaxed and before long it was time to head out again. We were meeting my cousin Clem at the ferry dock on the Halifax side. Because we had been there yesterday we did not need Dr Cox. We parked at the same parking lot and made our way to the Ferry . We did not have coins so we had to pay with a 5 dollar bill. Unfortunately the clerk could not make change. She directed us to the change machine. It ate our 5 dollar bill. The attendant came and after banging on the machine concluded that we would be given our 2 transfers and that we should call to get our dollar returned to us. We appreciated being given the fare and transfer but we will not call to get that dollar returned.

The ferry came within a few minutes and we boarded and sat on the main deck, we had sat upstairs the day before. The trip was uneventful and when we arrived we began to people watch and wait for Clem to arrive. We were early because we did not really know when we would get the ferry. We were scheduled to meet Clem on the water front in front of COWs at 3:30. The people watching kept us entertained until Clem arrived.   

He arrived and we exchanged big hugs. With him was his beautiful lady friend. She is from Uganda and her name is Faith. WE had a quick visit and decided to head uptown because we saw the waterfront yesterday. We made our way to Scotia Square which much to our surprise was mostly closed. This was Reconciliation Day. We were able to find a place to eat at the food court. We decided on Thai food. The entire time was spent visiting and catching up. This was the first time Clem and I had seen each other face to face. I gave Clem the paintings I had brought for him and Linda. Because Linda had a cold she did not come along. 

Before we knew it time had come to make our way to the ferry again.

The trip back was uneventful and again we did not need the help of Dr Cox.

Tomorrow we visit with Harold and Carol Hawkins.

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