Friday, October 13, 2023

Rain, Rain, and more Rain.

 It began raining through the night and it was still raining in the morning when we got up. Looking at the forecast and looking out the window convinced us that there was little sense in driving all of the way around the trail. With this weather there would not be much to see. 

So we ate the oranges we had and we headed back to Sydney. About an hour into our trip we came across a restaurant called The Clucking Hen. It looked good. Lots of cars were there. Well that was a good move. The breakfast was fantastic, the staff was amazing and they also had a fantastic bakery. We ate breakfast and took lots of bakery items with us.

We continued and at times the rain stopped and even though it was a gray day you could see that the colours were move vivid than yesterday. It really will be at its peak in another week. We are early!!!

We arrived back in Sydney entirely too early to check in. But we were able to check in around one. We got settled, had a short nap and got ready to head to Ben Eoin to meet with Flo. Flow has been a friend for many years and it was going to be great to see her again. I was surprised at how far from Sydney it was. I remembered it being closer...???

The Ben Eoin Sky hill and golf course and yacht club are wonderful new additions to the community. I was very impressed. 

When Flo arrived there were hugs all around. I gave her the gnome painting she had ordered and I also gave her the gift of the scallop shell painting I had brought her. She was thrilled.

We ate and then listened to Flo place a few tunes. She is working here from 6 to 9 providing dinner music for the guests.

 We were enjoying the music when we suddenly realized that it was getting dark and we were a half hour from our hotel. We said our goodbyes and hurried away. It was dark and it was foggy during the last 15 minutes and it was difficult for Ken to see clearly. But we arrived safely and enjoyed a restful evening. 

Friday means a hair appointment with Cindy and a visit with my cousin Wayne and his wife Barb.

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