Tuesday, October 3, 2023

We left the Halifax area


Bridgewater was our next stop.

In the morning we had our usual good breakfast. There was no need to hurry this morning it would not be a long drive to Bridgewater. Our luck continued and the day was beautiful, sunny and warm.

We arrived at Walmart at around 11:00. I had checked on the computer and it said that Walmart had card readers.... Google was correct and so I now have a reader and you should get photos soon. We also went to Dollarama in the same shopping area. We needed a nail file and of course that meant buying some snacks.

Next we headed for Petite Riviere. This is the home of Ken's cousin Dawn and her husband John. I gave her a painting of a lighthouse. It was well received. Ken and Dawn revived some memories and had a good visit. She also asked about our travels. 

She made us a lovely lunch and before we knew it time marched on and it was three o'clock. We said our good byes and headed to our accommodations .

 We are booked into the Days Inn. They do not have an elevator and we were booked into an upstairs room. When we realized that we asked for a change of rooms and luckily the receptionist was able to accommodate us.

When settled we decided to go out for dinner. They had a Swiss Chalet and that was our choice . When we arrived we saw 2 BLUE KNIGHTS in the parking lot. I went over to them and asked if I could take their picture for our friend Larry who was a Blue Knight. They were so obliging.

We arrived back here around six and for some unknown reason we both were tired so we were all tucked in by seven thirty.  Ken watched a little hockey but that did not last long either. I slept well until midnight. A loud alarm began beeping. I jumped out of bed and hurried to try to turn off Dr. Cox. We soon learned that it was not Dr Cox. There was an alarm clock on the night table and we were finally able to get it turned off and silence returned.

It took awhile to get back to sleep and I was awake at 6:15. I tried to conquer the card reader and failed. 

But I was able to conquer it tonight so there may be photos in the blog tomorrow. 

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