Sunday, October 1, 2023

Visit to Hammond Plains

 This morning began again with Nova Scotia fog.

We had a good breakfast here. I had a wonderful waffle and some excellent coffee. We were scheduled to visit Harold and Carol Hawkins. These people have been good friends of Ken since he was a boy so he was really looking forward to seeing them again. I can't say I was excited about it because I did not know these people. I had met them before but only briefly.

I was so wrong!! They were so welcoming and warm that I felt like an old friend.

We left the motel around 9:20 and as had been the case Dr. Cox was a great guide. He told us of every bend in the road and every turn. We arrived at our destination at 10:03 and we were invited to arrive at ten.

On the way we were shocked to see the results of the Nova Scotia wild fires. We could not believe how the fire had jumped the highway. It was truly a miracle that no lives were lost.    


I gave Carol my mainly blue painting and she seemed to really like it.  

A wonderful lunch of a salad, home made chicken soup and delicious pumpkin pie was served. Carol is indeed a good cook.

We spent over 5 hours in their company and all through the afternoon you could hear the laughter as the 2 men remembered past good times.

We said our good byes with hugs and hopes that we may someday meet again, and stay well in the mean time.

Dr. Cox took us back here using a slightly different route but we got here safely and in good time, something we have come to expect.

Tomorrow we go to Bridgewater and a visit to Ken's cousin Dawn.

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