Thursday, October 5, 2023

Day in Digby

We both slept very well last night. We got up around seven and then got ready and went out looking for breakfast. Breakfast is not included here. When we were at Tim's yesterday I saw a spot that said they served breakfast all day so that is where we headed. It was a cute little place with a very friendly waitress. We had a very nice meal and then we headed out.

While at the diner ( Josie's) my cell phone rang and it was Lynn Brown, Ken's cousin. We chatted and arranged to head for Hillgrove to visit with Lynn and Dale and Heather. We received a grand welcome and soon memories were being revived and happy smiles all around. I brought paintings for them and they were very well received.

Before we knew it the time to leave arrived. 

We drove back into the city and had lunch at Dairy Queen. WE decided that since we were not expected at Sunny and Diane's until three we had time to go to the Maude Lewis memorial. It was a beautiful warm sunny day that could not have been more perfect. The site is beautiful and serene. 

There is a steel replica of their little house, story boards to tell of her life and beautiful flower beds and benches to hit on and just appreciate the time.

Our last stop was at Double Lake Road to visit with Sunny and Diane Banks. They have been friends of Ken since they were boys. They were so happy to see us. They have a wonderful home on a beautiful small lake. Today it was ideal. I brought them a painting. It was one that Diane had admired on Face book so she was very pleased. She gave me a beautiful zippered bag that she made. She also gave me plans for a Xmas craft. We had a great visit and she prepared a tasty meal for us. 

Soon it was time to leave . We did not want to be on the road after dark.

I am not sure what we will do tomorrow. We have dinner reservations for dinner here and we may use the pool but basically it is a free day.

Message to S&D... wonderful to hear from you... my e-mail is

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