Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Trail

 We headed out early and started our drive around the trail. It was a sunny day but we knew the forecast was not good for this sunny weather to continue.

The colors are not yet at their peak but it is still beautiful. At one point we saw a sign advertising a Chowder House, knowing how much Ken loves chowder we decided to find it. After a lot of grumbling from Ken we finally found it. BUT it was closed for the season. More Grumbling for sure. The saving grace was the fact that there was a light house there. Neils Harbour has another light to add to our collection and the view was spectacular. That helped calm him down. LOL

We continued to travel along and enjoy the scenery. Then when in the Dingwall area we found another light house and a museum. Ken was a happy guy.  

We had more wonderful chances to see the thrilling scenery of the Cabot Trail

By now we were getting tired and decided to head back to Ingonish Beach and our accommodations for the night. We were booked to spend the night at the Skyline Cabins. Beautiful cabins. 

My cold was beginning to wear on me so we headed off to bed early. Tomorrow we continue around the trail if the forecast is wrong. It actually does not look good. They say a 90% chance of rain. :-(

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