Thursday, October 19, 2023

Trip Home Comes to an End

I refer to this as a trip home since both Ken and I were born in Nova Scotia but Abbotsford is home. Ken has been here since 1969 and I have been here since 2004.

We traveled 8704 kl by air for the return trip and we drove 2780 kl in our rental car. We visited 24 old friends and relatives and I took 535 photos.

For most of the trip we had wonderful weather but as is typical of a coastal community we experienced some rain and some fog. 

We had hoped that the fall colours would be at their most vibrant but they were not. We figure it will be at least another week before they reach their peak. BUT there were many times when it was breathtakingly beautiful. We captured more memories than photos. Mistakes on the computer cannot erase the memories so that is a very good thing.

Being at this age and stage makes us wonder if this will be our last trip "HOME" 

Unless something unexpected appears on the horizon we will not be traveling again until June of 2024 when we cruise to Norway and the Baltics.. Check in and travel with us.

There have been more than 700 views of our trip and we are happy to have had you come along with us.

1 comment:

Gary and Debbie Sturdivan said...

Loved reading about your wonderful trip home. Enjoyed your photos very much as well. Glad you’re home safely now. Waiting to read and see of your trip/cruise next June. Stay blessed and safe.