Friday, September 29, 2023

Visit with Valerie

 September 29th

This was the day we had scheduled to meet Valerie. She is my first cousin and we are the same age and we grew up together.

We began the day by having a good breakfast here at the Inn. I had half of a pumpkin waffle and Ken had the other half plus he ate scrambled eggs and sausage. This was a step above the usual included breakfast.

We returned to our room and rested until it was time to head for Valerie's. We had no problem finding her place thanks to Dr. Cox. 

Dr Cox is the name I have given to the little man who lives inside our phone and gives us directions on how to get where we want to go. He is brilliant and he never gets upset or yells at us. We really like Dr Cox. He is going to make this a most enjoyable trip.

We checked out our destination using Google. Then at 10:45 we headed out. We did not have a problem and Valerie met us right at the parking lot. We visited in her beautiful home. I gave her the painting I had brought for her. It seemed strange to give her a painting when she was in the process of giving away dozens of beautiful art works because she had run our of room. What do they say?? It is the thought that counts.

Soon we headed out to get the ferry over to Halifax. It was a short but pleasant drive. The weather was great, sunny and warm. We roamed along the water front, taking pictures and peeking into some of the shops. My treasure purchase was a pewter Key hook displaying the light house at Peggy's cove and the bluenose.

We stopped for lunch at The Bicycle Thief and had a wonderful lunch. Valerie and I had fishcakes and Ken had a lobster roll. We also shared scallop appetizers. YUMMY

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