Friday, September 29, 2023

September 28th

 We had a wonderful day. Much to our surprise check out was not until noon. So we had a leisurly breakfast and came back to our room to get organized. 

We decided to go to our next hotel...The Comfort Inn. We were very lucky in that they allowed us to check in early. It is a nice place and the room is very well appointed and clean. We were able to get settled and organized before it was time to head out.

Our first stop was at the Black Cultural center. 

I was so very surprised to see how much information was there. It was very well organized. I saw displays of my cousin.. The singing miner. They even had Maurice's hard hat and miners light. I planned to purchase a coffee mug but they were out.

Next we headed to visit Barb and John. They have a beautiful home and they treated us like honoured guests. Even their dog Beau made us feel like long lost family members.  I presented her with her painting gift and they were very gracious.    

After appetizers we made our way to the restaurant at the golf course that is part of their complex. We dined outside on the patio. The food was very good. Ken had to help me eat my fish.

Then we returned to their apartment where we enjoyed strawberry shortcake. We soon realized that we had lingered too long and it was quickly getting dark. Ken has been having vision problems and he does not like to drive after dark. It was dark but we managed to get back to our hotel safely

It was not long before we called it a night. It had been an amazing day. Tomorrow we visit with Valerie.

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