Thursday, September 28, 2023

Visiting Nova Scotia

 I was going to title this Home Again but since Abbotsford has been home for almost 19 years now I guess I can't say that.

This trip has been in the planning for almost a year. We thought about driving and pulling the trailer but decided that travelling this late in the season may cause us to be travelling in the snow. So we have opted to fly with West Jet. 

WE will be away from Abbotsford for 3 weeks and we will be visiting 21 different family members and old friends.  Right now we are at the Quality Inn at the Halifax airport. The trip yesterday went without a hitch but my oh my flying is not a comfortable thing to do. Those seats are so close that dropping something on the floor causes a real problem. Forget trying to bend down and pick it up. You almost have to be a contortionist.

We picked up our rental car and what a treat!! We were given a 2022 Chrysler 300. It sure makes the Jeep look old and tired. It is so roomy and so elegant , It will be such a pleasure to spend 3 weeks driving this. I should say being driven around in this. Ken is the driver.

This hotel is like most airport hotels. It is not elegant and not high end but it is clean and efficient. Rooms are a good size with tv and wifi, there is a heated pool and an exercise room and it included a buffet breakfast. Breakfast was varied and tasty. The big plus for most travelers would be the shuttle to and from the airport that runs every half hour. We plan to tb here at the end of this amazing trip and we will probably turn the car in the day before our flight and use the shuttle.

Today we plan to visit the Black cultural center and to visit with cousins. The sun is burning through the fog and the sun is making an appearance. Temperature expected to be 21 degrees... 

I took pictures but I do not have my card reader with me. I will try to purchase one today and I will add the pictures tomorrow... hopefully.

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