Friday, May 12, 2023

Home Again

 Home Again,

The light house at Angle Gate greeted us as we woke from our last night on The Island Princess. 

We had an almost uneventful trip home from LA to Abbotsford.

There was some concern about the weight of our suitcases. We each had the one large suitcase we arrived with but the contents had grown because of all of the shopping we did. So I expended my carry on to use all of it and not just the bottom half and then we opened up the small duffle bag that we brought for just that eventuality. 

We made out way the the bus for the Princess transfer and I was concerned that my big suitcase may be overweight since I had continued to stick one more thing into it. There was horrific traffic and  we wondered if we would make it to Lax in time. Worry was needless we made it in lots of time. When we were checking in the suitcases were both underweight and we got the plesant surprise offer to check in our carry on cases with no extra charge. Of course we jumped at that and so we only had our personal items to be concerned about.

The flight from LAX to Calgary was full and as usual planes give you very little space. By the time we arrived in Calgary all of me hurt. This plane did not seem to be pressurized properly and my ears felt it. I cannot remember my ears hurting like that.

We had a lot of craziness to go through re a customs declaration. It is automated now and instead of filling in a form before landing we had to make our was to a kiosk where we have to do computer stuff. Not ideal to say the list. The lines were so long. Much easier to just pass in a paper.

The plane from Calgary to Abbotsford was not full which meant more room to move around so I did not feel quite so stiff when we finally arrived.

Our neighbour Dave picked us up and delivered us safely to home. Our friend Janet had left us milk and scones and Joyce had sent us a roast chicken and lettuce but we ate neither before bed. We just fell into bed and were
asleep almost immediately.

I could not believe how much mail a person gets in 4 months.

WE missed the wonderful Princess beds, the sound of the ocean and we really miss being treated like royalty
. Cooking and cleaning will be a difficult adjustment.

Our garden was looking quite good in spite of us not being there to baby it. Perhaps it doesn't need us afterall.

That amazing adventure has come to an end. It was everything we hoped it would be. We saw so many things that we never imagined we would ever see, we made some new friends and have made so many unbelievable memories. We would go again if there was a different itinerary but I would not be interested in doing this one again, there are still so many places in this world that we have not yet seen.

In June of next year(2014) we plan to visit the Baltics and Norway. It will be a 28 day cruise and we have been to only one of the ports before. We still have so many more adventures to experience and places to explore..

A special thanks to all of you who have followed the blog and have made comments. You have been and still are appreciated



sandy in spain said...

Welcome home safe and sound. Nice to be able to sleep in your own bed once again, even tho' the Princess ones are comfy. Time now to plan your next adventure. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas Round the World tree later in the year and following your next adventure. Thanks for sharing this cruise with us.

Gary and Debbie S. said...

Awe, so nice to be home. I loved your trip so much. Excited to see about Northern Europe as well. Stay lovely and well, both of you.

Comquot said...

Debbie and Gary it was so nice to read your comments. I am glad you enjoyed our trip.