Tuesday, May 2, 2023

We Pass Through

The passage today is hotter than we ever remembered. I stepped out on the balcony and immediately my glasses and camera fogged up

The humidity is over 85 percent and the temperature is only 27 C but it feels a lot hotter when you get out there. 

Originally I planned to wear my bathing suit and add to my tan but it is entirely too hot to even think about that and it is only 8:30 am Central now.

Debbie is talking as we proceed through. She is reporting the facts and figures of the construction and history and operation of the canal.

Temperature now 35C

Because this is my fifth time through I cannot say that I am as excited this time as I was the first time

Basically I stayed in our cabin going in and out to get photos from the balcony.

Here are some of the photos I took. 

I have posted these in the order in which they were taken.

At one point this beautiful little bird flew into our balcony door. He seemed to be knocked out at first but about 15 minutes later he was able to fly away.


sandy in spain said...

Nice photos, we found that the transit thro' the canal seemed never ending.

Gary and Debbie S. said...

Loved your photos. Brought back memories.