Sunday, April 30, 2023

Transit Through the Panama Canal

Schedule for the transit.

These times are for the passage and if you are not in this area you have to adjust the time accordingly. These times are the same as it would be in Central time for Canada. If you are in Abbotsford the times will be 2 hours earlier. 8:15 am would be 6:15 am.

These times are approximate and there could be as much as a 30 minute difference. Cristobel Breakwater, pilot on board Atlantic Bridge Entering Gatun Locks

11:45 am .....Departing Gatun Locks

1:45  pm......Passing Gamboa

2:35 pm.....Passing Centennial Bridge

2:55 pm .....Entering Pedro Miguel Locks

3:50 pm......Departing Pedro Miguel Locks

4:20 pm....Entering Miraflores Locks

5:40 pm....Departing Miraflores Locks

6:10 pm....Passing Bridge of Americas

6:40 pm.... Balboa - Pilot off.

All times have been moved back one hour.

We begin the transit at 7:15am

1 comment:

Bob and Janet said...

Hope it was an uneventful transit and made even more interesting by great bridge commentary.
We were just a few days ahead of you and arrived home yesterday....back to reality!
Make the most of your remaining vacation!
Bob and Janet