Sunday, May 7, 2023


 Huatulco, Mexico

Our stop for May 6th is at Huatulco, Mexico. 

When we were making our way into the port the captain told us of pods of porpoises or dolphins all around the ship. It was an amazing sight for sure . (Ken  says they were porpoise and I think they were dolphins .

We were surprised at how rough the entry was. There were light houses and rocky islands there. We were happy to know there was a pilot on board to help us get docked safely.

The air was overcast and it was already HOT at 7:00 am. Andy told us the temperature was supposed to be 97 F today . We were not impressed. We went to Horizon court for breakfast then returned to the cabin. I got ready to go ashore. My goal was to find a decoration for our tree.

Just after I disembarked one of the golf cart like transfer vehicles pulled up next to me. It was Julia and Ken. I joined them and the driver took us to the town square. It was already about 90 degrees so the ride was appreciated.

The square was lovely and there were many shops and restaurants and things to take pictures of .

I did manage to find something for our tree. 

I caught transport back to the ship. I was gone for less than an hour and that was all I could have taken. It was so hot and the humidity was so high it was like breathing in steam.

I got back early so there was time to go to trivia. I found 3 other people who wanted to play so we made up a team. We actually tied for the most correct answers and then won the tie breaker. The prize was a satin pouch that is perfect for protecting your sunglasses when they are in my purse.

From there on the day got exciting. I was about to get ready to go to the 4 o'clock trivia when the power went out. I mean all of the power. The captain came over the PA to announce that we had a problem and the technicians were working on it. To make a long story a bit shorter they did get things working and everyone cheered but within minutes it was off again. That meant no propulsion, no AC and no elevators. We were beginning to wonder who would be chosen to man the oars, lots of jokes about Ben Hur and the drums. The power was repaired and we went to dinner. At this time the ship is moving slowly and we were wondering when or if we would get to Puerto Vallarta. 

Last evening was a by invitation only party for the LA world cruisers. There was lots of food which we didn't need since we just finished dinner, and lots of alcohol. It was fun , people were laughing and visiting with their new friends but it was HOT. We managed to find a table that was between both pool decks and there was an amazing breeze which was appreciated. My naturally curly hair was a wreck between the humidity and the wind I could have had a starring roll in a horror movie.

There was some back up power but we seemed to be dead in the water. They took another group photo and of course I could not have looked worse. I am not anxious to see that photo. 

Because of the heat and humidity we retired to our cabin where it would be a little cooler. We wondered what we would find in the morning. Would we be moving a little and as a result having to miss our next port and just cripple on to LA? Would we be not moving at all? Would things be back to normal?

We woke through the night and were relieved to find the ship was moving at full speed. All is well this morning. HURRAY!!!! 

Here are some pictures I took at the party last evening.

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Power outages on and off..... groan, good they managed to get it sorted eventually, you need the air con in that humidity :-)