Wednesday, February 5, 2020


It was a busy day and a late night so I did not get the blog written so here I go.

We had breakfast in the dining room and it became a bit unpleasant. One couple were commenting on Harry and Megan and they had strong opinions. According to them it was Megan's fault, she had planned this move from the beginning, she influenced Harry to leave, Harry was not Charles son, proof was his red hair, Little Archie was really a black child and that is why it was a couple of days before anyone saw him, they swaped him out for a white baby.... and it went on and on. I made some comments but it was clear they could not have been reasoned with so I gave up. Well I spent the next couple of hours so angry with myself for not having done more, for not clearly telling them that I thought they were racist fools. This world has become a strange place.

I went to customer service to ask if we could use our old paper coffee cards, one ones without a date. I was told that I could because they would trade the cards for a goodwill credit which would show on my account as an OBC. I was so pleased. I got 38.68. That was good news indeed

The next place was a stop to see Abagail, the captain's circle rep, she remembered me and was glad to visit. She told me that there are 1800 Platinum and Elite passengers on board. She also let me know that we did not make the cut for the special lunch with the officers. The cut off is 680 so having 500 days at sea is really a small number in this crowd.

We had our lunch in the Fresh Market. It is really quite nice and bright and the decor is lovely. We each had a nice lunch. I had lots of fresh fruit.

We decided to check out the new place called Coffee and cones. They have special coffees and milk shakes and ice cream specials as well as the free soft ice cream cones. The other items are not free.
Much to our surprise they had real wooden spoons for the ice cream, no plastic.... great!!

After lunch I listened to piano melodies by Marius Beatica. He was really talented.

Because we have purchased art from the ship before we received a SPECIAL VIP invitation to attend a special unveiling complete with Champagne. When we arrived we were given special lanyards that will give us special entry to auctions and the like being sponsored by Princess Fine Arts.

The champagne was good and the art was really beautiful.

On our way back to the cabin we stopped to enjoy the Hawaiian music being performed in he piazza by Kimo and Lokelina

While we were dressing for dinner the captain announced that we would not be going to Samoa. Apia and Pago Pago. have decided not to allow the ship to dock for fear of bringing the virus to their islands. So we have an itinerary change . We will be spending 5 days in Hawaii instead of 3 with calls to Kona and Hilo. We will also be spending another night in Tahiti. No longer will we be crossing the dateline so we will have Valentines Day.. Lots of changes.

Of course it was the topic of conversation at dinner. Dinner was excellent as usual and we choose to share our Milestone cake with everyone.

After dinner we rushed upstairs to club Fusion to see Carlos Oscar. He did not disappoint he was even funnier. I wish he was staying on but sadly he gets off in Honolulu.

Next we enjoyed the amazing talent of LADO strings. It is a young couple who performs magic with their violins. They played everything from opera to the Beatles.

We knew Denny and Dru Sharnk were on board but we did not run into them until last evening. They were listening to the Violins as well.

We ended our evening by going to the Princess Theatre to hear Andrew Geater.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You had quite the breakfast conversation! So glad the day got much, much better! Love the art!