Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sunday Feb 23 and Monday Feb 24

These 2 day were sea days and for us that means lazy days. There are a lot of things to do listed in the Patter but we have done all or many several times so for us it is time to just relax, read, watch television and eat.
The evening show featured Gary Delena. He was a comedian and a musician. He was really very funny. What he did was change the words to make a joke while he sang.
Lots of fun.

We had a special event today but I will report on that as the last post for this trip. I will keep you in suspense.

Monday was also relaxing for us. We went to a lecture by Sharon Faff. The topic was Trouble in Paradise, Natural disasters of the Pacific.
As usual it was informative interesting and well attended.

The entertainment was a dynamite performance by Ross Hunter. He sang popular rock songs and classics like the theme from Les Mis.

WE enjoyed the show very much but just before it began we changed our seat. The man sitting next to me was coughing. It sounded like the bad cough I have gotten before. So far we are both well. I think that is because we are making a concerted effort to avoid sick people and to make sure we are following all of the rules about hand washing etc. Only have to stay well for 4 more days till we get back home.
Keeping fingers crossed.

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