Friday, February 28, 2020

Special announcement

On Wednesday afternoon while we were in the dining room Captain Lewis interrupted dinner to announce that there was a medical emergency on board. Someone was extremely ill and needed to get to a hospital asap. The nature of their illness was such that Helicopter transport was not an option.
We would be increasing our speed and heading to San Pedro as quickly as possible.
Projected time of arrival would be 8:00 on Friday evening and not Saturday morning as scheduled.
However because customs etc were not prepared we would not be able to disembark until Saturday morning as was originally scheduled.

There are a lot of people with coughs and in the back of everyone's mind is the fear that this is connected with the virus and we may not be able to disembark.

We have been avoiding being in large crowds and we move if someone near us begins to cough.
So far we are well with no signs of illness.

Keeping fingers crossed and hands washed!!!

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