Friday, February 14, 2020

February 13

This was a usual morning. We went to the dining room for breakfast and it was very pleasant. Ken had pancakes and I had porridge.
There was no lecture mid morning as has become usual. The Hula group and the Ukulele group performed. But I wrote our story. There is a contest for writing the best  and most inspirational love story. We decided we should enter. The prize is dinner for 2 at the Crown Grill. So I composed the story and then went to the internet cafe to print it. I decided that long hand with my handwriting would not be good enough.

We decided to enter on our way to lunch in the international cafe . At noon here they have great entertainment. Marius Beatica plays the piano and then plays the violin. He is a master at both.  we had quiche and tea and a cookie.

The main event for the day was the Crossing the Equator ceremony. People who have never sailed across the equator must be approved by King Neptune. Before you cross you are a polliwog and afterwards you are a shell-back. Polliwogs are charged with offences and the shell-back decide if they are worthy to cross. It involves a lot of fun and a lot of messy food.

Polliwogs are dressed in white sheets

Polliwogs are given instructions.

King Neptune is getting ready to make his appearance ( It really is Captain Lewis)

Lots of pictures of the festivities.

It was really hard to get a picture, there were so many people watching the fun.

Dinner had prime rib on the menu. As usual the size of the serving was eye popping.

After dinner it was movie time.On the Emerald Princess they have Movies On Demand. I missed the Downton Abbey movie when it was in Abbotsford but tonight was the night. I enjoyed it so much.

A perfect way to end the day.

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