Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday February 25th

This was another lazy day.
We had a late breakfast in the dining room.
We watched a lecture we had missed using our stateroom TV.
This was a Pub lunch day and we decided to take it in.

It seems that there are still lots of men who have forgotten what their mother taught the. They are still wearing hats to the table. Do you think I would get away with knocking their hats off??? Neither do I. LOL

In the afternoon I took advantage of state room on demand TV and I watched the movie "Rocket Man". It is good.

After dinner we went to the production show. It is called Magic to Go.
There were amazing sets and costumes. It was performed twice and will be performed at two tomorrow afternoon.

This was Shrove Tuesday and there was not a sign of Carnival. I was expecting some acknowledging of the day.:-(

Another sea day tomorrow.

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