Saturday, February 8, 2020

Maui continued

It really was a great day. The weather forcast said that it would be another dreary cool day but it was not. It was a wonderful sunny day with temperatures in the mid seventies and a slight breeze. Perfect!!

Our shore excursion was not until noon so we went to the dining room and had a great leisurely breakfast. We had a mother and her 2 daughters for table mates. All were seniors and they lived in southern California.

We had to wait awhile for our tender. I guess they are very busy on shore and only one tender can dock at one time. Plus it was a bit windy making it necessary to slow down. But we were aboard the tender soon enough and we got to shore with an hour to spare.

There were nice shaded places to wait for the Whale watching tour.

The tour was great. We were topside with a good view. The sun was shining and the water was such a beautiful cobalt blue. We saw lots of whales. Some were breaching, we saw a baby slapping its tail and lots of show off males. BUT it was just about impossible to get pictures so I soon gave up and decided to just enjoy the moment.

When we returned to land we went looking for the Maui Divers outlet. Ken bought me the pendant that we loved so much yesterday. Happy Valentines to me.

Next we decided to get an ice cream. It was costly but good. $4.50 for one scoop. I got mango and Ken got Kona Coffee.

We also got a really pretty Hawaiian shirt for Ken..

By now it was time to join that VERY LONG line to get a tender back to the ship.  The lines are never short here but this was the worst ever. We stood in line for an hour and a half and got on board with only enough time to drop our parcels and head to the dining room. Even with that we were 5 minutes late.

Princess did their best to make a difficult situation less painful.

We returned to our room after dinner and the moon was beautiful. we sat out on the balcony and enjoyed the beauty of the night. Of course the camera does not do it justice...I tried:.(

Later in the evening we learned that our delayed departure was made even later because the port side  hoist for the tenders was not operating properly. Three tenders played in the moonlight while waiting for repairs.

We did not go out again. We called it a night.
Tomorrow we are in Nawiliwilli.


Kim said...

Loving your pictures and how you have been enjoying your days and evenings! All so very nice!

Comquot said...

Thanks Kim,
It is nice to know that someone is reading and enjoying my efforts.
See you in the spring.

Howard R Battan said...

Hey, Carolyn! I'm following you, too!

BTW, I remember you were gifted dinner at Share - Curtis Stone's restaurant. I assume you haven't eaten there yet. Do you plan to do so? If you do, please report on your thoughts on Share. The reviews on Cruise Critic range from 'great' to 'BOO, never again'. I figure if you and Ken like it, we might, too.

Enjoy your cruise.

Howard (Randy)