Friday, February 7, 2020

Land Ho!!!

After 5 days at sea we are docked along side the port in Honolulu
Because we do not have an excursion there was no need to rush. We had a leisurely breakfast.
We shared a table with a couple from Kamloops. It was very pleasant.

Then we gathered our things and headed off of the ship. It is a gray showery day which did not make Ken happy. Anyway we lined up to get a free shuttle into the city. There are choices including Hilo Hattie.

We choose the Maui Divers shuttle because it included a tour of a jewelry factory that specialized in black coral, and pearls and of course gold and diamonds. The presentation was very informative and seeing the workers in the factory was even more interesting.

I spied a beautiful piece that I would have bought in a flash....but I purposely left all credit cards on board in the safe. Ken did the same thing. No purchases were made.

After we left Maui Divers we decided to walk further rather than get the bus again. We walked to Walmart because we needed a couple of things. I needed ankle socks. The only ones I brought were long and black. I wanted short white ones. I also needed a hair brush.

Walmart had a shuttle that takes shoppers back to the ship and we availed ourselves of that service. They were checking everyone's ID so the line up was horrific!!

We had walked over a mile on cement so our legs were tired and we were hungry. So we had a quick lunch and then I had a quick nap. But Ken discovered a hockey game on the TV. This was his first glimpse of a game. Black Hawks against Bruins.

We dressed for dinner and joined Mary and Frank. Karen and Al are at an excursion..

We had our usual agreeable evening. Mary was feeling like dessert and she had two. Ken had the love boat and I had the swan cream puff.

We were too late for the early show she we marked time ( I did the blog) until it was time for the second show. It was a Hula show featuring students from a dance school. They were amazing. So talented and so cute.

Tomorrow we have a whale watching tour. The weather was cool and showery here today so I hope it is warmer and dryer in the morning.


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