Saturday, February 29, 2020

Home Sweet Home!!

The entire day went like clock work. Princess as usual was so organized.
We had breakfast in the dining room at 6:30.
Went to the waiting area by 7:30
Were on the bus for our transfer by 8:30
We at the airport by 9:15
Had cleared customs and checked everything in and were people watching by 10:00

The plane actually left early.
We arrived 20 nminutes early but had to wait on the tarmack for flaggers

Marg and Dave picked us up and the ride home went so quickly because Marg and I chatted not stop.
Then we went to the Spaghetti Facory and had supper. It was another chatty evening.

Then we arrived home and turned on the heat and here I am at the computer!!

It was a grand cruise and even though we worried about the virus we arrived home healthy..

Next cruise is in May if we are not in the middle of a pandemic..