Saturday, February 1, 2020

Flying Day

We did not sleep very well but that is not unusual for us when it is the night before a trip. The heating system was quite noisy so that didn't help. We always worry either consciously or subconsciously that the alarm will not work or the desk will forget to call and we will miss our transport to the airport.
That did not happen and we were downstairs waiting for the shuttle in lots of time.

When we arrived at the airport we were met by a porter who offered to take our bags and to guide us all of the way to our gate. We must have looked confused or like stranded seniors. We took him up on his offer and he escorted us all of the way to our gate. He handled the kiosk with the machines and he signed us in. He also lifted our luggage and got it onto the belts. He did it all. That was one of the best 10 dollars we have ever spent.

The night before we bought sandwiches at Tim's and could not eat them because the soup was so hearty. It was a turkey bacon club that we planned to share. So I asked if they would wral it up and put it into a plastic bag for us. It was still raining quite hard on the return to the Abercorn and I felt the paper bag would not make it. So after we made it through security and they allowed me to keep the sandwich we headed for the nearest Tim Hortons. We ordered coffees and had our sandwich for breakfast. It worked out perfectly.

We did not have to wait very long for our plane. It was a full plane and fortunately we had seats in row 5. That meant we were among the last if not the last to board. BUT we were also early to get off. The sky was cloudy at first but then it cleared and Ken was able to enjoy the mountain and ocean views. I read my book "No Great Mischief" by Alistair MacLeod. I made it to page 95 or so. I can't say that it is an exciting book but I am so impressed with his mastery of the language. At one point I tapped Ken on the shoulder and asked him to read a particular paragraph.

We were about ten minutes late arriving but that was not a problem.

We gathered our luggage and made our way to the waiting taxis. They had Uber and Lift as well. There was no wait for a cab. As soon as we approached a porter came up and loaded our luggage to the cab that was first in line. The sun was shining and the temperature was around 70. A great welcome indeed.

We we arrived at Ken and Wendy's she was waiting for us and she made us feel so welcomed. She has become almost a sister. She made us a very nice lunch and then we took a nap. Both of us were tired beyond reason and just had to lay down. I slept for about an hour and Ken slept about an hour and a half.

By then Ken Ard was home from work and the serious visiting began. Two of the grand children were visiting and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit with them. The kids are so very nice. Before long it was time to head out for dinner. We were going to a very nice Italian restaurant . I had what was supposed to be a half beet salad. It was delicious, and if that was a half salad I would love to see what a full salad looked like. The same was true of the linguine with Scallops. Ken had to finish mine.

Then we went to Trader Joe's and shopped for wine and some snacks. I did not buy any flowers because I am pretty sure Princess will be giving us flowers for our special celebration.

Then it was back here to visit and before long we were headed for bed. It had been a long exhausting day.
Tomorrow we sail!! 

1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Have a super time, looking forward to keeping up to date with your adventures. We're in UK at the moment, as we fly to Italy Monday for Eastern Med Cruise which will include our 41 wedding anniversary.Hugs