Thursday, October 19, 2023

Trip Home Comes to an End

I refer to this as a trip home since both Ken and I were born in Nova Scotia but Abbotsford is home. Ken has been here since 1969 and I have been here since 2004.

We traveled 8704 kl by air for the return trip and we drove 2780 kl in our rental car. We visited 24 old friends and relatives and I took 535 photos.

For most of the trip we had wonderful weather but as is typical of a coastal community we experienced some rain and some fog. 

We had hoped that the fall colours would be at their most vibrant but they were not. We figure it will be at least another week before they reach their peak. BUT there were many times when it was breathtakingly beautiful. We captured more memories than photos. Mistakes on the computer cannot erase the memories so that is a very good thing.

Being at this age and stage makes us wonder if this will be our last trip "HOME" 

Unless something unexpected appears on the horizon we will not be traveling again until June of 2024 when we cruise to Norway and the Baltics.. Check in and travel with us.

There have been more than 700 views of our trip and we are happy to have had you come along with us.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Last Day in Nova Scotia.

 We made the short trip from New Glasgow to the Halifax Airport and the Quality Inn at Geoff. It was a gray day with some rain but not as rainy as it was yesterday. 

We were able to check in around one and we proceeded to return the car and now we are just relaxing to get ready for our flight tomorrow. Our wonderful 3 week trip home and down memory lane is about to come to an end. We did not get to see the fall colours at their peak but it was a wonderful trip none the less. 

I hope you enjoyed traveling along with us.

Sunday October 15.

 We were at the Wyndham in Amherest and the receptionist said it would be fine for us to sit in the breakfast area to visit with my cousin John when he arrived. We had a wonderful visit and he had many wonderful photos to show me. I gave him a painting and he seemed pleased. We decided that it had been about 65 years since we had seen each other.

We parted with hugs and well wishes and decided to find a place for some lunch. I had seen a review that was raving about how good the seafood chowder was at a place called Warehouse One. We made our way there and it did not disappoint. Ken had the chowder and I had a taco salad. It was a great meal. The restaurant was nicely decorated for the season. 

We headed for Pugwash to visit with Bev and Bill Kempt. We were classmates at TC from 1961 to 1963. They invited us to spend the night with them and to make it even more special they included Lois and Harry Goodwin to join us for dinner. Harry and Lois were with us during that time at college as well. We had a wonderful visit with so many memories shared.

I guess I did not take pictures of the group. I am hoping someone did and that they will share them with me.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Day after Tomorrow

October 16th , from Pugwash to Truro 

We left Pugwash around nine and drove in the pouring rain for the next 2 hours. We met Jim and Nancy Cleveland at the Old British Grub Pub. Jim treated us to a very nice lunch. I had fish cakes and Ken has haddock. Again we had a lovely visit and spent time remembering days gone by. 

I gave them a painting and they seemed to really like it. 

Next we headed to New Glasgow to visit my cousin Phyllis and her husband Gerrard. They are not well and it was sad to see them in such poor health.

But they seemed very happy to see us. We visited, we had a nice meal prepared by their daughter and before we knew it the time had come to leave.

I gave each of them a painting and they liked them very much. It was a sad good bye because I know I will never see them again. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday, October 14

Had a good day, drove from Sydney to Amherst, it rained some of the time but we arrived safely. WE had a good visit and dinner with Diane and Victor. Lots of memories were shared. We kept saying that we could not believe that we have made it to this age. I gave them a light house painting and they loved it.

Tomorrow morning we meet with John Reid and then head to Pugwash to spend the night with old college friends.  another busy day.

The colors are still not at their peak. This is a year when the colors will probably go until the end of the month.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday the thirteenth

 Today began with some sunshine which was a pleasant surprise. We had breakfast here and then when it was time we left for the AARC beauty salon and spa. Cindy the owner here was my hairdresser when I lived here 19 years ago. This Friday was Cindy Day, next week it will be DEE Day again. 

I gave her a painting and she was very pleased.

WE met Barb and Wayne at Smittys. WE had a wonderful visit and Barb loved the painting I gave them. They treated us to a very nice lunch .

We went to Shoppers and then returned to the hotel. Tomorrow we head for Amherst and a visit with Diane and Victor.

There is a cruise ship in the harbour and we will not be boarding her.:-(

At one point this afternoon we had a severe but short lived thunder storm. Before the storm hit the harbour was beautiful, an amazing reflection.

Rain, Rain, and more Rain.

 It began raining through the night and it was still raining in the morning when we got up. Looking at the forecast and looking out the window convinced us that there was little sense in driving all of the way around the trail. With this weather there would not be much to see. 

So we ate the oranges we had and we headed back to Sydney. About an hour into our trip we came across a restaurant called The Clucking Hen. It looked good. Lots of cars were there. Well that was a good move. The breakfast was fantastic, the staff was amazing and they also had a fantastic bakery. We ate breakfast and took lots of bakery items with us.

We continued and at times the rain stopped and even though it was a gray day you could see that the colours were move vivid than yesterday. It really will be at its peak in another week. We are early!!!

We arrived back in Sydney entirely too early to check in. But we were able to check in around one. We got settled, had a short nap and got ready to head to Ben Eoin to meet with Flo. Flow has been a friend for many years and it was going to be great to see her again. I was surprised at how far from Sydney it was. I remembered it being closer...???

The Ben Eoin Sky hill and golf course and yacht club are wonderful new additions to the community. I was very impressed. 

When Flo arrived there were hugs all around. I gave her the gnome painting she had ordered and I also gave her the gift of the scallop shell painting I had brought her. She was thrilled.

We ate and then listened to Flo place a few tunes. She is working here from 6 to 9 providing dinner music for the guests.

 We were enjoying the music when we suddenly realized that it was getting dark and we were a half hour from our hotel. We said our goodbyes and hurried away. It was dark and it was foggy during the last 15 minutes and it was difficult for Ken to see clearly. But we arrived safely and enjoyed a restful evening. 

Friday means a hair appointment with Cindy and a visit with my cousin Wayne and his wife Barb.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Trail

 We headed out early and started our drive around the trail. It was a sunny day but we knew the forecast was not good for this sunny weather to continue.

The colors are not yet at their peak but it is still beautiful. At one point we saw a sign advertising a Chowder House, knowing how much Ken loves chowder we decided to find it. After a lot of grumbling from Ken we finally found it. BUT it was closed for the season. More Grumbling for sure. The saving grace was the fact that there was a light house there. Neils Harbour has another light to add to our collection and the view was spectacular. That helped calm him down. LOL

We continued to travel along and enjoy the scenery. Then when in the Dingwall area we found another light house and a museum. Ken was a happy guy.  

We had more wonderful chances to see the thrilling scenery of the Cabot Trail

By now we were getting tired and decided to head back to Ingonish Beach and our accommodations for the night. We were booked to spend the night at the Skyline Cabins. Beautiful cabins. 

My cold was beginning to wear on me so we headed off to bed early. Tomorrow we continue around the trail if the forecast is wrong. It actually does not look good. They say a 90% chance of rain. :-(