Friday, June 10, 2022


 Because of Covid 19 I have not been blogging the past 2 years. We have been staying close to home, wearing masks and making certain to get all of our vaccines. 


We have decided to take a trip to NFLD. For those of you who are wondering what NFLD stands for it is Newfoundland, That is the farthest east province in Canada. Actually it is the farthest east spot on North America. Vikings lived and fished there long before Columbus was born. 

Neither of us have spent much time there so now is the time.

We have booked a 12 day land tour which begins on June 10 with a flight from Vancouver to Deer lake

Starts in Corner Brook, Canada
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Ends in St. John’s, Canada
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

This comprehensive tour begins in Newfoundland & Labrador and features the best of " the far east of the Western World" We will travel from the northernmost tip of the island of Newfoundland to the most easterly point in North America through national parks- including Gros Morne, a Unesco  World Heritage Site.

We will learn of ancient peoples- the Maritime Archaic , Vikings and Basques- as we travel to coastal fishing communities to meet the friendly and hospital people of today.

Boat tours provide the opportunity to see whales, thousands of sea birds and icebergs. We will sample food and drink to become an  honorary" Newfoundlander"

Day One: Arrive in Newfoundland

We fly West Jet out of Vancouver and the red eye delivers us in Deer Lake at 6:15 local time. The flight was paid for using West Jet dollars we had left because of our cancelled cruise to Norway

We arranged to have a taxi waiting for us. Our first stop is in Cornerbrook 

Follow us as we go!!

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