Thursday, June 9, 2022

On The Road Again ALMOST

 We will be travelling again soon.

This morning I was thinking about all of the things we must do before we leave.

It has been awhile thanks to Covid so it is almost as if I have not done this many times.

Mentally going through the list of things to do and I realized how much we depend on our friends.

Neither Ken nor I have family in this city so we do rely on friends. Frank and Pam will water the flowers and get the mail, Dave will get us to the airport on time and Marg and Dave will be storing the RV. ( threatened flooding while we are gone makes this necessary). Ken would have worried the entire time we are away had they not stepped up to help us.

So I want to say a special Thank You to our friends whose help allows us to take this amazing holiday to NFLD.

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