Thursday, June 16, 2022

Boat Tour...Day 5

DAY 5: 

Wednesday – St. Anthony to Cow Head  Breakfast and Dinner included This morning starts with a whale watching tour (weather permitting) with a local biologist and wildlife expert will give you the opportunity to see whales, dolphins, sea birds and sea caves. If you’re lucky, you may even see icebergs drift down Iceberg Alley. Next visit Grenfell Historic Properties, learn about the famous medical missionary, Sir Wilfred Grenfell. Continue traveling to Cow Head in Gros Morne National Park where you will spend the next two nights.

We had a wonderful day. It was a very short drive to the boat. I dressed warmly but when the boat got going I was really chilly. 

We had a very good tour guide.( Paul) He has a degree in Biology and knew all about the wales and the bergs. 


did see a minkie whale and a hump backed whale. The humpback was bubble feeding and he put on quite a show. Getting pictures was a challenge.

The highlight of the tour was ICEBERGS!!! We saw some amazing ones and the boat got up nice and close so we could see the textures and the cracks, It was truly amazing.

Almost next door to the dock was Glenfeld museum and there we saw a video and learned all about the contributions of this amazing man. He was almost solely responsoble for the health care system of Labrador. He established orphanages, clinics and hospital ships .His list of accomplishments is truly amazing.

Then we boarded our bus and headed to a strip mall where we could get some lunch. Ken and I chose  to go to Tim Hortons for soup and coffee. He had a chocolate donut and I had a fritted.

We reboarded the bus and headed down island. It would be a long drive so I took advantage of that to get a nap.

Tonight we are at Cow Head for the first of 2 nights. Finally good internet so I can catch up on this blog!! 

WE have a very nice room, no twin beds tonight.

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