Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Day 11

Witless Bay is a town on the Avalon Peninsula in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Located on the Irish Loop, 35 km south of the provincial capital, St. John's, Witless Bay is a small, scenic, traditional Newfoundland outport community. The town had a population of 1640 in the Canada 2021 Census.

DAY 11: 

Yesterday we

had very typical NFLD weather and it was even more so today. Umbrellas came out of the suitcases but they weren't really necessary but it was very cool and FOGGY

We had breakfast at the Delta. It was so good and there was everything you could ever think of. It was included in our fare. Right away I headed for the fruit  They has raspberries, blue berries, strawberries, kiwi, honey dew, and cantelope oh and red and green grapes also. I selected a yogurt and some granola to go with all of my wonderful fruit. Ken had bacon and sausage and eggs and toast.

There were many fellow travellers in the restaurant at the same time. 

We left and went back to our room for our coats and bags. We did not have to put out suitcases because we are here again tonight.

The bus was out front and we found it right away. In fact we were the first on the bus this morning. We took our usual seat at the back of the bus. We have sat here for the entire trip. It has been wonderful to have so much space. Choosing the small group tour was definitely a wise decision. 

We boarded the bus to head for Bay Bulls. The boat here will take us to Witless Bay Ecological Reserve which is the home of millions of breeding birds.

When we weere all boarded the young guides did the safety drill and then one young man sang a sea shanty and we all stamped and clapped along. By then we were out of the harbor and I knew I was in BIG trouble.

The sea was rough and there was enough motion that I was sea sick almost immediately. I managed to ask Gerard to get me a barf bag just before breakfast began to return. To make a long sad story a bit shorter and less sad I was sick the entire trip. I only had some fruit and yogurt for breakfast but I am sure it multiplied during the short time I carried it. I made it do a return to the surface several times. I stopped for a little while during the time spent at the reserve. I managed to take a couple of quick pictures of the puffins before we began to move again and I began to replay the past half hour adding dry heaves to the mix and then more returns of breakfast to the surface. 

 The young people were very helpful bringing me barf bags....4 or 5 of them ( I lost count)  paper towels and wet wipes and water.

I was so glad to return to land . Fortunately Ken got lots of pictures of puffins that I can add to the book.

After we left Bay Bulls we headed for Cape Spear. Along the way we passed several small villages. One was the village of Petty Harbour.. This is the home of Alan Doyle.

When we arrived at Cape Spear it was almost entirely fogged in. There are 2 light houses there but they could not be seen through the fog.Can you see them?

This is what you should be seeing.

 I was still not feeling heardy, I was tired so I did not roam around much. I had a quick peak in the gift shop. We got a model of Cape Spear. Ken walked further but I got back on the bus.

We left the cape and headed back to the delta. On the way back we enjoyed the view and Gerard passed out Puffin Poop for everyone. Actually it was chocolate covered raisins. 

At the arrival at the Delta we said good bye to Gerard and Terry and headed to our room.
We were very tired and we decided to eat a small snack and have a nap. 

We went down to the Pinacle restaurant had supper and toured the hotel a little and then called it a night.

We head home tomorrow. The taxi has been ordered and the bording passes are safely stored on my cell phone.

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