Sunday, June 12, 2022

Day 1


I will begin each day by telling you what we have been told about each day and then I will add to the post by reporting on what we acrually did complete with photos if the internet gods cooperate.

DAY 1: 

Saturday – Arrive Corner Brook Please make your way to the Glynmill Inn (1B Cobb Ln) and identify yourself as part of the Atlantic Tours’ Group. The front desk staff will be expecting you any time after their 4:00 PM check-in time. Should you arrive earlier, they will make every effort to check you in as soon as possible, although this cannot be guaranteed. The hotel offers complimentary luggage storage until your accommodations become available.

It was quite a day. When we arrived at Deer Lake it brought back many memories of the smaller Sydney airport. There was a ramp to exit the plane and only one luggage carouselle.

It was easy to locate our ride. It was a big noisy bus the really does need new shocks. There was another couple headed to the same place. Their names are Murry and Theresa. They are currently from Calgary but like us they have lived in many places around Canada.

Along the way the driver told us about the places we were passing. The scenery was spectacular.

The hotel is a beautiful old structure that reminded us of the Abercorm in Vancouveer. Our room is very nice indeed. We dropped our suitcases and headed downstairs to get something to eat. I had their French Onion Soup and Ken had chowder and the salmon special.

After eating we headed to our room. We were so tired that I think we fell asleep almost before we gpt intp bed.

Breakfast is from 7 till 11 and we left a wake up call for 8:00

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