Saturday, June 18, 2022

Day 8

Clarenville is a town on the east coast of Newfoundland in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Clarenville was incorporated in 1951. It is located in the Shoal Harbour valley, fronting an arm of the Atlantic Ocean called Random Sound.

DAY 8: 

Saturday – Gander to Clarenville  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner included A scenic drive along the rocky coast of Notre Dame Bay leads to the beautiful outport of Twillingate. At the tip of the island, visit the Long Point Lighthouse perched 300 feet above the sea and explore both the Twillingate Museum and the Prime Berth Fishing Museum. Visit Terra Nova National Park before arriving in Clarenville. Enjoy a two-night stay

Our day began sunny and cool. The sun shone for the first half of the day but the clouds soon began to roll in. The wind was cool and the cloud cover was very thick.

Gerard surprised us by wearing his Nova Scotia Tartan Kilt.

We began the day by taking a trip to Prime Berth. Here there is a museum of sorts. The owner Dave is a collector and he has displayed all of his gems all of the way from whale skeletons to full sized balene to fishing equipment and the list goes on . He has his opinion on government decisions and he made that clear. 

He demonstrated how to process a cod from the catch to the drying. A skill for sure. They had a very nice gift shop and there was a special sale for bus passengers.

We climbed back on the bus and the next stop was lunch. I had cod fish cakes and Ken had chowder. We had tarts for dessert.

Back on the bus. We covered lots of ground today because we were travelling across the island. The next big stop was to a lighthouse. Long Point Light was not open because it is early in the tourist season but we were able to take a lot of pictures.  The scenery was rugged and the air was cool. The wind had come up. For a few minutes there were a few sprinkles. Terry turned on the wipers for the first time since our tour began. It was also the first time ever because this it the inaugral trip for this bus. It even smells like a new vehicle.

Back on the bus and off to Terra Nova national park. They are still on summer hours so the visitors center was not open. They closed at 4 and it was 4:20. Got some great pictures.

Then off to Clairenville. 

Our room is lovely and we will be here for 2 nights. No getting suitcases out in the morning and we do not leave until nine. It is raining heavily now I sure hope it has stopped and it warm and sunny gain tomorrow.

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