Sunday, June 19, 2022

Day 9

DAY 9: 

We had a later morning and it was great. Breakfast was at 8 and we did not leave until 9 so it was a welcomed change. It rained hard last night. We could hear it pounding on our window so we were not hopeful about today. It began dull and overcast but it was not raining. We headed out and as we drove the good weather came and went. Terry had to use the wipers a few times but it actually cleared up quite well. By the time we got to Bonavista it was beginning to get warm and itr was dry. The lighthouse was special. We were able to tour, we even got into the lamp room. The display of the keepers quarters was quite extensive . While outside on the grounds we saw a family of foxes and we saw some puffins. We were there for over an hour..

We left there and headed for Skippers and lunch ...The scenery along the way was worth a picture or 2.   

After lunch we headed for the Matthew Legacy. Here was an exact replica of the Matthew which was Cabots ship. The evolution of the voyage was told through the eyes and life of a young man who was the apprentice barber and surgeon. It was a unique and brilliant way to draw the viewer in. We were able to actually walk on the deck of the ship and see how small it was and we marvelled at the courage of these men. Cabot landed in NFLD not in the Carribbean as he had planned. But it was a great accomplishment.

Next stop was The Mockbeggar Plantation. It is a historical site. We were told that at that time the word plantation meant self contained.It definitely was interesting.

Next we headed back and stopped at Trinity. This is a village of reconstructed buildings. It is really interestung. There were far too many buildings to cover them all on just an hour and 15 minutes. We choose carefully.

In one of the houses was a mahagony table which had been builf using a log that had been submerger in water for a long time. Worms had bored holes in the table. I had never seen anything like it.

We began our walk to Erikson's because that is where we will have dinner. Dinner is at 5 and because lunch had been late no one is really hungry. 
The meal was great but most of it got left because it was entirely too much food. The food on this tour has been exceptional.

Next was the drive back here to the hotel. It was a sunny dry day again. We have been so lucky.

Tomorrow we head to St. John's. Our amaging trip with Atlantic Tours is coming to an end.

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