Thursday, January 18, 2018

Plane ride and Prime Time Shuttle adventure!!

Our time at the airport was uneventful and the flight loaded and left on time.
The new carry-on that Santa brought me worked very well. I could pull it instead of carry it and it fit perfectly in the overhead compartment.

Ken had a window seat and I was in the middle. A lady from Richmond had the aisle seat. There were no crying babies and no one kicking the back of our seats, Yeah!!
We had pre ordered salads for dinner and Ken enjoyed his but I was not impressed with mine. The flight was fairly smooth with only a few minutes of bumps.
We touched down at exactly seven O'clock.
We proceeded to get our luggage with no delay. Then it was out to the sidewalk to find the Prime Time shuttle rep.
Just before we left Abbotsford we got an e-mail from Prime Time wanting to double check the arrival time etc. I told them we would be outside at 7:30pm.They replied that it would be fine.

We found the sign right away but unlike it was on our last visit the rep was not there. Because we had been in touch just hours before I thought the shuttle would arrive any minute so we waited for it. Next to Prime Time was Super Shuttle and vans were going past every 5 minutes or so. We figured that was a good sign. It was not!! The shuttle did not appear and neither did the representative. There was a phone number on a post and so we called it. They took the information and said the driver would arrive in about 15 minutes. There was no sign of him a half hour later. We called Ken and Wendy and told them we would be late because by now it was the time we told them that we would arrive.
So I called again this time I was assured that the driver would be there soon. In the following call I was told, after being on hold for what seemed like forever, that the driver had been called but he was not answering his phone and they had no idea when they would connect with him. I was so upset I was at the point of tears. They made no effort to help us!! The reservation had been made 2 months before, they had our money and they knew from our confirmation when we were arriving. There was no excuse for treating us that way. They made no effort to communicate with us or offer us any help of any time. As seniors in a strange place we were not impressed. I was thankful that we were not parents with small children to care for.
Ken called Wendy again and they said they would come and get us. We reserved a shuttle  because we did not want them to have to drive in that horrible LA traffic.They came and rescued us. We had been in that insanity for over 2 hours.
Within 45 minutes we were safely on our way visiting with our wonderful hosts.
Prime Time decided to save a few dollars and not pay a representative and they lost a lot more than they gained. I have booked them before and I will never book them again. I intend to make certain all of our traveling friends hear of our problem with Prime Time Shuttle. I will also be doing a Trip Advisor report on our treatment . We wonder if they will call or write to us to apologize and offer a refund. If they do it will be too little too late.!!!!

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