Saturday, January 20, 2018

Embarkation Day Ends

The day continued  and after a great lunch of trout we went to see the Maitre d to get all six of us at the same table for dinner. We were successful. We will be at table 257 in the Amalfi dining room.

Then when we came back to our room my suitcase had arrived and so I got busy putting everything away.

Then it was time for the Muster drill. They have changed the name to The Guest Safety Assembly. A lot about it has changed. We no longer have to bring the PFD’s and it is much more pointed and much quicker. Kudos to the people who improved it.

When we got back to the room Ken’s suitcase arrived and he began to get things put away. He did not finish completely because it was time to go to Fred and Mary’s for pre dinner glasses of wine and sail away.

It was a cool sail away but we got a few nice sunset pictures.

Much to our surprise and pleasure we saw Ceasar, he has been our waiter on 2 other occasions. He remembered us and even asked about the 2 missing people… Nancy and Pam. We hugged and laughed and had a very nice meeting. Our waiters for this trip are from Peru. Roberto and Maryia ??? Our spot in the dining room is noisy but it will be fine.

After dinner we came back to our room so Ken could finish unpacking. We did not leave. I was exhausted and there was a Pirates movie on the television.

The sea rolled just a little, enough to let you know you were at sea.

Embarkation Day came to a dreamland end.

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