Saturday, January 20, 2018

January 19th

January 19th

We slept like babies, the gentle sway of the ship was wonderful and the new beds on the Star Princess are wonderful.

We headed for the restaurant that serves breakfast. We were seated with three other people since we said we wanted to share. One lady was from Alabama, one gentleman was from LA via Germany and the last man lived in LA also. He was the most interesting of the three. This is his 36th cruise. He has cruised to and visited 81 countries and he does not fly. So of course he has done world cruising and many back to backs so he can get home without boarding a plane. He said he is a retired teacher for whom money is no object. He did not say where the money came from but we know it was not from teaching.

After breakfast Ken went to a lecture and I explored the ship a little. I entered the Wake show contest for us both and I put in a “Thought for the Day”. Then I returned here to work on the blog. The internet is confusing with the new system they have and the reception was intermittent. I hope that is not the case for the entire cruise.

The ship is really bouncing today which is usual for this part of the world. If the past experience holds true it will be bouncy for these first 2 days before it gets warm and calm.

There are people who look a little green but I am not having a problem. Perhaps I finally have my sea legs. There are barf bags around the ship.

We went to a port lecture in the Princess Theater and there we ran into Randy and Janeen and Fred and Mary. We had lunch with them.
Mary Ann brought me a vase for my Trader Joe Roses.

After lunch I walked a little, slept a little and before we knew it the time had come to join everyone for snacks and drinks before dinner.

That was dinner 413 on a Princess ship and for the first time I did not like the meal and did not eat it. I wasn’t really that hungry so I did not send it back for something else but I did not eat it. It was new on the menu and it was a trout dish. We had trout on the first day and it was delicious but this was a miss. They stuffed it with something mushy, I could not tell if it was potatoes or bread , not good!!

The ladies we wearing the fresh orchid Leis that they had made and they looked quite tropical. This was also the first time the photographers were around. They were taking couples pictures.

After dinner we went to the show in the Princess Theater. The performer was Christopher Watkins and his show was called “Fireworks on Four Strings. He was a very charismatic entertainer and he certainly made that violin sing. He was good but not being a real fan of the violin, I would not likely go to see him again.

After the show we went to the International Café to have one of our specialty coffees. It was so quiet. We were almost the only ones there.

Then back here to call it a day. I tried to post the blog with no success. So, I got up ay two and was able to post then. Another sea day tomorrow.!

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