Monday, January 22, 2018

January 20th

January 20th,

We slept in and missed our chance to go to breakfast with the gang but that was fine because we always enjoy meeting new people. We made our way to the dining room and shared a table with 6 others. All were from the US. One couple was from Utah, Salt Lake I think. The others were 2 generations father and son and their wives. The son was in his late sixties. They were great to visit with. The son of the son was a teacher and we discussed the changes in education. The four have traveled extensively so they had lots to chat about.

When breakfast was over we headed for the theater because there was a lecture on the Volcanoes of Hawaii. The enrichment lecturer is a retired National Parks Guide so she is really well informed and presents well.

I went shopping at the ten dollar day and got a new shawl. It is interesting in the was it is assembled….. can be folded or worn a couple of different ways.  Ken got a new watch. This was really packed but there was not a lot of things to purchases.

I returned here and caught up on the blog and then I went to the diamond raffle at the EFFY store. It was a crazy mad house. When it came time for the draw the place was packed like sardines in a can. I did not win.

I went to the International café and picked up sandwiches for us to have for lunch. They were very good.

This is formal night so we had to spend more time fussing. This is the welcome party where you get a greeting from the captain and a glass of champagne. We left the dining room, picked up our champagne and proceeded to the theatre. Tonight is the production show STARDUST. Even though we arrived a full half hour before the show was scheduled to begin we had a difficult time finding a seat. But we were lucky and we got our seat in the middle and exactly where we like to sit.

The show was great as usual. We always enjoy the production shows.

 Being there early we got to do a lot of people watching. There were not as many fancy outfits as there has been on other cruises. We did see one very elegant lady who looked as if she belonged on the cover of Vogue.
When the show ended we returned to our room, watched a little TV, ate some fruit and called it a day

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