Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22nd

January 22, 2018

This was our forth sea day and we spent it relaxing. The weather was much improved. The temperatures were much warmer and the seas were much calmer. People are enjoying the pools and the sunshine.

We went to  breakfast and accidently ran into Fred and Mary. We shared our table with 2 other couples. One couple were recently married. They were our age and had been widowed but were together now and enjoying their new life. The other couple were much older. It was a very nice breakfast and we all enjoyed visiting.

After breakfast we headed for the theatre so we could take in the lecture by Sharron Faff. It was so good. She currently lives at the top of the volcano. It was so interesting to see her pictures and hear about her life.

Next I went to check out the 75% off sale. It was not anything to get excited about. I bought nothing.

For lunch we decided to just have fresh fruit. We decided that we ate so much last evening that we should take it easy today. Ken went to Horizon Court and got us some fruit. It was a real treat.

I walked around the ship a couple of times and I got some pictures for the photobook.The prominade deck is a great place to walk.

I went up to Skywalkers to get Mai Tais at the BOGO for $1.00 sale and brought it back to the cabin for Ken and I to enjoy.

We had pre dinner visits as usual. I choose not to have wine tonight. Then it was off to dinner. The meal was good and as usual it was fun.

Both Ken and I are relaxing and enjoying this cruise!!

Tomorrow we are in Honolulu…….dry land!

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