Thursday, January 18, 2018

On our Way

The day has begun without a hitch. I had an appointment with Dee to get my hair done and as usual she did a great job. I only wish a person could take their head off and put it on the dresser at night and then just put it back on in the morning. I know my hair will not look as good in the morning.

Not long after I got home we got a call from Jennie wishing us safe travels. That was such a nice thought.
We checked and double checked and we cannot figure out what we are forgetting to pack. My suitcase weighs 32 pounds and Ken's weighs 40 and usually we are taking things out because we are right at the limit. If we have forgotten something it will stay forgotten. I teased Ken that the light suitcases could serve us well if I find something to buy when shopping.

Then we finalized things at home, taking out the garbage and turning off the water etc. Then we loaded the bags into the Jeep and away we went. The ride into Vancouver was carefree and the traffic flowed smoothly.

Noah was not at home when we reached Kerri's so we dropped the keys in the mail slot and called a cab. We were amused when Ken got a message saying that the cab was on its way and we could track its progress using our smart phone. Then we got another message saying the cab was right around the corner. We are going to have to reconsider getting a smart phone. I think they are great toys.
The cab ride was also quick and uneventful.

When we arrived we went to the West Jet counter and even though it was very early, (only noon when we had a 4:00 flight) the attendants were very obliging and they checked us in, and issued our boarding passes for us. They look at us and see friendly seniors and they are always eager to help us.
We were directed to the Nexus line . We will definitely renew these cards as soon as we get back from this trip. Our cards expire in August and we certainly don't want to be without them. I am certain we passed more than a hundred people in the non Nexus line. We didn't even have to take our shoes off..

When we were finished with all of the security stuff we headed for Starbucks where we had lunch.

Next we headed for Gate 81.They have a very nice playground here in this part of YVR. I know Emmie and Leo would make good use of it. This section of the airport is very quiet right now. A plane just left Gate 81.

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